David said he was a worm (Psalm 22:6). Peter said he was a sinful man (Luke 5:8). Isaiah, being in the presence of God, utterly recognized that he was a man of unclean lips (Isaiah 6:5). Paul declared, I am the worst (chief) of sinners (1 Timothy 1:15). And Jesus, our greatest example of humbleness, made himself of no reputation and took on the form of a servant (Philippians 2:7). Yet, here is the world coming along singing, tweeting, posting and saying, 'you’re enough.' Careful. Satan will make his lies sound catchy in songs, easy to remember when spoken, and likable when re-posted. At first, it may not taste like poison. But it is. The Word of God combats this lie. It humbles us without humiliating us. It tells me, I am nothing without God. This is where true life begins. When you die to self. Not when you embrace the deception that you have what it takes. Without God, you and I would not even be alive, physically, let alone be able to experience real life, spiritually! I can't face a day on my own let alone a lifetime! Men and women, don't believe these slogans and feel-good declarations just because they sound good. Don't take them as fact just because it comes from someone who has over 50 million followers. And by all means, if you proclaim to be a child of the King, I urge you as your brother in Christ Jesus, do not share or spread their content. Hide this word in your heart: Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect (Romans 12:2). Lie # 2: Your Identity Is Found In Yourself Satan not only wants you to believe that you are enough, but that your identity is found in yourself. The Bible clearly presents to us that: a) mankind was created in the image of God, b) mankind sinned and was separated from God, c) God sent Christ into the world to die for all our sins, d) through Christ, and only through Christ, we can be redeemed, have a relationship with the Father, and live meaningful lives...Amen. I can only know who I truly am when I know whose I am. When the Holy Spirit begins to reveal the love of the Most High God to me, it draws me near to Him. Behold, what manner of love, that we should be called children of God. And we are! I leave my dirty rags and He clothes me with His (keyword: His) righteousness. I lay down my yoke of sin and He gives me a yoke that is easy, a burden that is light (See Matthew 11:28-30). This is my true identity. I am who God says I am. I am not the money I make. I am not the title on a business card. I am not the viral video. I am not the bestseller on the shelf. I am not the most liked pic. I am not the accolades of society. I am not the Benz in the garage. I am an eternal, living soul, in a temporary tent. Created by God...for God. To love Him, to glorify Him, to fear Him, to make Him known. It's not about me. It's about Him.
Lie # 3: If It Makes You Feel Good, Do It Where, oh where, is that generation of young men and women who do hard things? Who suck it up (excuse my French) and face life with the boldness of a child of God.
Look to Jesus. He didn't do what was comfortable or easy, He did what pleased the Father. He didn't always go where He wanted. He went where He was needed. He didn't always speak what people wanted to hear. He spoke what their hearts truly longed for. He was surrounded by misfits and sinners. Dirty people. Outcasts of society. His mission wasn't always merry. He brought a sword; division among those who would choose to serve Him and those who would deny Him. He did what the Father told Him, not what made Him feel good. As He was nearing death we catch a glimpse of the agony in His soul as He embraced the cup of death and suffering. He did this out of love, not fuzzy feelings. Pity the people who do things for the sake of short-lived pleasure. God, forgive us of our wandering hearts! It's exactly this attitude- if it feels good, do it - that will lead people to hell and destruction. I am shaking just writing this. We are called to be a people with a backbone. We must be unwilling to be used by the devil and thrown around with every wave of glimmering content, under the disguise of 'self-help' and 'encouragement'. From going to work or school, or picking up the 35th Lego piece, or changing the sixth diaper in a day, or going to that night of prayer, or keeping that day of fasting, or visiting that friend, or speaking up for the unborn, or paying a bill for someone caught in a financial pinch, or not thinking bad thoughts about the person who didn't put their grocery cart away, the list goes on and on...we don't always do things because it feels good but because it's right and honorable. And if it's not right, it's wrong. So, by the grace of God, let's not do it. Take this Word with you today: Because the Sovereign LORD helps me, I will not be disgraced. Therefore have I set my face like flint, and I know I will not be put to shame (Isaiah 50:7). This is a picture of Jesus. He was the One who set His face like flint. The Suffering Servant. Setting the example for the fruit of His suffering, you and I. And not only was He not put to shame, but He was glorified and sits at the right hand of the Father! Now, go. Tell the world the truth. Keep the Fire Burning, Danny Comments are closed.
ALTARPRENEURwith Danny & Daniela Kovacs
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July 2024