Ever since I was a young boy, I could recall my fathers keen interest in history.
Among other things, he knew a lot about the Romans, not only from a Biblical context (what is written during the time of Jesus and the Apostles) but even from the period afterward. I enjoyed learning about different events and people, including how our people (Romanians) came to form a country. Long story short, the Romanian people trace their origins to the Roman Empire, specifically to the Roman conquest of the Dacian Kingdom in 106 AD. The Romans established the province of Dacia in what is now modern-day Romania, leading to significant Romanization of the local population. Over centuries, the intermingling of Roman settlers and native Dacians, combined with the influence of Latin language and culture, gave rise to the Romanian ethnicity and language, which is a Romance language directly descended from Latin. This historical connection is reflected in the country's name, Romania, which signifies its Roman heritage. As an adult, this is still one of my favorite people and time periods to study. We have a lot to learn from them. Good and bad. As we navigate the complexities of the 21st century, parallels between the decline of the Roman Empire and the current state of American society have become increasingly evident. From a Christian perspective, these similarities serve as a stark warning and a call to action. The degradation of moral values, political instability, economic challenges, and cultural decadence are eerily familiar. By examining these parallels through a Biblical lens, we can glean valuable insights and chart a course for national renewal. Historical and Cultural Parallels: |
ALTARPRENEURwith Danny & Daniela Kovacs
WHYNo family is an island. Join us as we share candid discussions, Biblical advice & resources to help keep God at the center of your faith, family and career. MICROBLOGS
July 2024