Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. - 1 Corinthians 9:24
Whether you're raising children at home or raising equity for stakeholders, at some point, we all feel like quitting. When you feel like quitting, what will you think upon in order to keep going? Write those things down! This list is categorized by Faith, Family and Career. Keep it handy for all those times when your motivation is low or you don't see the big picture. Remember, the best is yet to come...for those who keep sowing! The Altarpreneur DON'T QUIT List Every families definition of 'family time' is different. For some, it's a sacred event or tradition and violators are held accountable. For others, they only get to it when they get to it. It's unintentional. On one side of the camp, you have those who treat family time as strictly a spiritual event. No laughing, no smiling, no games, everyone must be properly aligned, Bible or hymnal in hand, and so on. On the other side are those who say family time needs to be all-encompassing and fun. It's all about games, outings, activities that awaken the mind and body, good food, the list goes on. Elsewhere, there are are those who try to find a healthy balance.
The Bible doesn't specifically address this concept of family time or movie night. But then again, the Bible doesn't specifically address a lot of things, like if Christians can drink wine/alcohol or if it's okay to smoke. In Psalm 119: 105, we see that God's Word is a lamp to our feet (the things that are close and within view) and a light to our path (the things that are in the future or not clearly seen). We live by faith and Godly principles. We don't walk around in life with a long checklist of things we can or can't do or things we should or shouldn't do. So, is movie night okay for Christians? |
ALTARPRENEURwith Danny & Daniela Kovacs
WHYNo family is an island. Join us as we share candid discussions, Biblical advice & resources to help keep God at the center of your faith, family and career. MICROBLOGS
July 2024