Have you ever seriously considered the opportunity cost of not consistently meeting with God? If not, today is the day. A formula I can use to calculate opportunity cost could be the ratio of what I am sacrificing to what I am gaining. Here are some general examples if you're not familiar with this term, 'opportunity cost':
I went through a typical day/week and came up with a short list of examples where I might miss out on the opportunity to meet with God or experience Him at work in my life. I encourage you to make your own list using the help-sheet below. Keep it handy as a reminder that nothing comes before God. Here's my short list: AM/Weekday - I went to sleep fairly late and had to wake up early for work. I rush to get ready and head out of the house without opening the Bible or spending significant time with God; I say a quick prayer on the way out.
PM/Weekday - I see a co-worker that seems a bit down at work. I even over hear that he has some health problems. I'm tied down with a project and also have to prepare for a meeting later. I think to myself, It's justifiable. I ignore him.
Evening - It's been a long day and I just want to unwind a bit after dinner. I hop on Instagram to check what's new and send out a quick update. My boys want me to pretend I'm Moses and they're ready to see how God splits the Red Sea. I decide to stay on the phone.
Night - Time to sleep. But the kids are a bit restless and still want to play. I let them do their thing and finish up editing the next video for our new Hymns & Stories series on Altarpreneur Music. Daniela's done with her work downstairs and wants to hang out and talk.
Weekend - Time to relax. No major plans, just time with family, a big breakfast, some yard work, maybe a farmers market, city stroll or some shopping. Nothing wrong with a little leisure, right?
Bottom line: Important notes:
PS - Below is a simple sheet you can use to identify activities in your daily schedule that waste time and create more opportunities to meet with God. ![]()
Keep the Fire Burning,
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ALTARPRENEURwith Danny & Daniela Kovacs
WHYNo family is an island. Join us as we share candid discussions, Biblical advice & resources to help keep God at the center of your faith, family and career. MICROBLOGS
July 2024