Therefore I remind you to stir up the gift of God which is in you... (2 Tim.1:6)
We were made to move. Our bodies and our spirit were created to connect with the Creator and, in so doing, to experience life...real life! Paul reminds Timothy that the stirring up of the gift of God (fan in to flame, in other translations) is something we do. The very fact that we have a gift from God, inside of us, should motivate us to want to use it. So, stir it up! How can we get our mind, body & soul into holy action? 1) THINK ON things above Get your mind off the petty things of earth, which will soon pass, and think on things that are holy and pure. Where your mind goes, your daily life will & habits will follow.
If you don't, who will!? The best way to live a healthy lifestyle is to present our bodies before God as a living sacrifice (Rom.12:1). Then, we will want to take care of it so we can use it for His glory!
You can get in a lot of unnecessary trouble if you don't watch what you speak. Words have the power to tear down or to build up. Put the world around you in holy motion by using sound and healthy words!
Keep the Fire Burning, Danny Comments are closed.
ABOUTBiblical, on-the-go, tips for meeting with God. Written from our experiences as parents. This is our digital space for jotting down learning moments from our devotional time throughout the week. ARCHIVES
November 2023