One night, Levy asked me why only the priest was allowed to meet with God (in the holy of holies, as we read in the Old Testament).
What a question, from a 5 (almost 6) year old. I did my best to explain to him that this was a special work established by God, to be conducted by appointed men, for the purpose of meeting with God on behalf of His people. I tied in the fact that it was a symbol (foreshadow) of the work of Jesus Christ, our Great High Priest; He died once and for all so that anyone can have a relationship and direct access to God, by faith! For all you (newer) parents with young children, here's a quick pocket-guide to being able to answer your children's questions about God and all things spiritual. It's important that you don't just brush them off with a quick answer or revert to the not-so-meaningful 'because I told you so.' 1) First, know the Bible! You cannot make it up. Kids have a way being able to tell when you're not sure about something. When they ask you a Bible-related question, use the Bible to answer them. 2) Keep it simple. Don't get ultra-theological. Speak at their level, as Jesus did with the rural listeners in his day; remember, even children were attracted to Him because He not only came down to earth, but He was down to earth. Explain things in terms they can relate to. 3) Connect it to daily life. Make a connection to every day life and explain how His Word is a light and a guide for us. Relate the answer you give to a spiritual discipline, principal, or truth from the Word of God that they can apply. Keep the Fire Burning, Danny Ephesians 6:4b - "...bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord." |
ABOUTBiblical, on-the-go, tips for meeting with God. Written from our experiences as parents. This is our digital space for jotting down learning moments from our devotional time throughout the week. ARCHIVES
November 2023