My boy's can tell when my heart is not into something. Especially when they ask me to play a game with them but I'm just not feeling it.
Nothing will ruin my testimony more quickly than pretending to be on fire for God at church but living halfheartedly at home or at work. I need to be the same person when I pray as when I play. The same energy, the same heart. Why? 1) I cannot (should not) separate my faith from the activities that make up my daily life. I have to live it out in every area. When I'm at home and when I'm at work. When I'm on vacation and when I'm at church. In my own backyard or at the neighbors for barbecue. Everywhere. And at all times. 2) It shows them that when I serve people and spend time with them, I represent the love of our great God. When I make time for them I'm showing them that people matter because they matter to God. We often put on a facade. We wear a somber, pious face when it comes to 'holy' things and we become indifferent when it comes to so-called menial activities like playing hide-and-go-seek. Or, for some, it's vice versa. Growing up, I remember hearing some preachers who would talk differently at the pulpit than when they spoke with you one on one. They had a more harsh, deeper intonation when they preached but sounded 'normal' during a conversation. I was determined to never do that. I've not arrived, but it's getting better. I'm determined to be 'normal' at all times. Bottom line: We need to demolish the silos. Whatever you do, be you. And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men - Col.3:23 |
ABOUTBiblical, on-the-go, tips for meeting with God. Written from our experiences as parents. This is our digital space for jotting down learning moments from our devotional time throughout the week. ARCHIVES
November 2023