Because the world doesn't need good marriages. It needs Godly marriages.
More couples and families are torn apart because of neglect than are torn apart because of adultery. Neglecting God will lead you to neglecting your spouse (it doesn't matter if you both call yourselves a Christian).
There is nothing more important that the two of you need to do today than meet with God.
Through spiritual disciplines, God has given the believer a means of growing in godliness. When we make the altar a priority, we will practice it, and when we practice it, we will experience God's power!
Some people struggle to meet with God every day. Between work and family alone, they have a full & often exhausting schedule. Altarpreneur provides Biblical resources & tips to help them build a consistent altar and keep God at the center of their faith, family and career.
"Early the next morning Jacob took the stone he had placed under his head and set it up as a pillar and poured oil on top of it. He called that place Bethel, though the city used to be called Luz." (Gen.28:18,19) - Make a record of the places you encounter God in life. Whether it's a sad place, a broken relationship, or a reason for praise. Identify it. Give it a new name because when God shows up, things will change for the better!