In marriage, conflicts are opportunities for God's grace to shine and for each of us to repent and grow.
(Danny & Daniela Kovacs)
ClaritySometimes, days may go by and the two of you don't even know why you're arguing or experiencing some form of conflict. This guide serves as a tool to bring some clarity to your conflict because it calls for engagement and collaboration. The Prework Exercise is a good kickstart to pinpointing what each of you feel is/are the issue(s) you're currently facing.
ConversationThe Conflict Compass will be of no value to either of you if you don't make time for it. When you put time aside and come together, it creates a place and space for dialogue and prayer. This is so important! The more you talk through it, the better. If you're open and willing to listen, you'll learn new things, or be reminded of important things that you may have not been focusing on.
CommunityYour marriage and family are not an island. God works through people, especially the Church. This guide can be used in small group settings to encourage open conversation. Find your 'tribe' so to speak; connect with other couples that you can be open with and share your highlights/takeaways as you work through the guide. Be open to learning from each others experiences.
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